Starostlivosť o črevá a ich zdravie

TrávenieTrendy v mikrobióme
redakcia Biopron 21. 5. 2020

Črevá hrajú kľúčovú úlohu v zabezpečovaní vašej telesnej a duševnej pohody. Mať zdravé črevá znamená žiť zdravý život, pretože črevá nadväzujú na iné životne dôležité orgány tela. Mnoho ľudí pritom ani len netuší, aké dôležité je zdravé fungovanie čriev. Často ignorujú rôzne signály svojho tela, teda v konečnom dôsledku, svoje vlastné zdravie.

A bad gut can cause stomach upset, food intolerance, poor sleep, constant tiredness, and fatigue, to mention a few. This shows how much influence your gut has on your entire body and overall wellbeing. 

What Does a Healthy Gut Mean?  

The gut is a primal part of the digestive system that contains microorganisms or gut microbiomes of bacteria and yeast. The gut microbiome is the fort for the bacteria in your digestive tract. They assist in breaking down food and converting it into nutrients that the body can use. 

A healthy gut, therefore, means that the good bacteria in your gut balance the harmful bacteria. That way, they keep each other in check and prevent the harmful bacteria from taking over. In a case where the harmful bacteria take over, gut health is compromised. 

Improving Gut Health 

To maintain good gut health and promote microbiome care, you need to do some specific things to ensure that you have a balanced microbiome and a healthy microbiota. Which, in turn, allows the microbiome in your gut to do their work appropriately. Some of these things include:  

  1. Eating Healthy: The most important way to improve and maintain gut health and caring for the probiotics is by eating right. Good food and a balanced diet play a significant role when your gut wellness is involved.
    Healthy eating involves primarily varied and balanced diet and you can also enrich your diet by  supplements, which are great for your guts. Healthy eating includes: 
    • Eating whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits which are rich in fiber that is considered as feed for the intestinal microbiota.  
    • Eating fermented foods like yogurt, kimchi, tempeh, and so on that are filled with probiotic microorganisms like lactobacilli and others 
    • Taking food supplements rich in probiotics and prebiotics
  2. Sleeping Healthy: Getting adequate sleep helps prevent cases of obesity, which cause digestive system disorders because your digestive system is working overtime with little or no rest.
  3. Being Active: Either through regimented exercises or physical activities or even through regular daily walks. All these contribute to keeping your body fit and also reduce the stress of overworking your digestive system.
  4. Reduce Stress: Avoiding stress is very vital. Stress is one of the factors involved in the development of many diseases
    Find ways to relax like meditation or taking time out from work so that your body can rest and your gut can have some rest too. 


Gut wellness and microbiome care (friendly bacteria) helps you in maintaining a general body wellbeing in many ways. They ensure that the body is in good shape with a strong and healthy digestive system.


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